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rather too salt中文是什么意思

"rather too salt"怎么读


  • 太贪暴利
  • "rather"中文翻译    adv. 1.〔与动词连用〕宁愿,宁可,毋宁。 2.稍微 ...
  • "too"中文翻译    adv. 1.太。 2.很,非常,极。 3.也,还,同样 ...
  • "salt"中文翻译    SALT = Strategic Arms Limita ...
  • "rather too" 中文翻译 :    稍嫌...一点
  • "be rather too free with sb" 中文翻译 :    对某人在态度上过于随便
  • "be rather too presumptuous" 中文翻译 :    未免太过份了
  • "too much salt in the soup" 中文翻译 :    汤里盐太多
  • "or rather" 中文翻译 :    更精确地说,倒不如说; 或者不如说; 毋宁说;更确切地说
  • "rather" 中文翻译 :    adv. 1.〔与动词连用〕宁愿,宁可,毋宁。 2.稍微,有点;相当,颇;比较地说。 ★在形容词+名词的结构中带有不定冠词时, rather 通常可位于不定冠词之前,也可位于其后。 3.〔与 or 连用〕说得更恰当点,更确切地说。 4.相反地,反而,倒不如说…更好[更合理]。 5.〔与连词 than 配合〕(与其…)不如(好)。 6.〔用作表[述]语〕更应当,更应该,当然。 I would rather not go. 我宁可不去。 Which would you rather have, tea or coffee 你喜欢喝茶,还是喝咖啡呢? I'd rather he was married to somebody else. 我宁愿他同别的人结婚。 He's done rather well. 他做得相当好。 This one is rather too large. 这个稍微大一些。 That is rather an unusual question. (=a rather unusual question) 这是一个相当异常的问题。 He got home late last night, or rather early this morning. 他昨天半夜里,更确切地说,今天一清早才回到家。 He was no better, but rather grew worse. 他的病情未见好转,反而更恶化了。 It's not generosity, rather self-interest. 这不是慷慨,相反,这是自私。 He is honest rather than clever. 与其说他聪明,不如说他老实。 It is rather cold than not [otherwise]. (不管怎么说)天就是很冷。 I had rather go than stay to be insulted. 我宁可去,也不愿留着受辱。 He insisted on staying rather than go. 他坚持要留下来,而不愿意去。 It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us. 我们更应当在这里献身于摆在我们面前的伟大事业。 int. 怎么不,当然。 Have you been here before - R- ! 你以前到这儿来过吗? --当然来过。 had [would] rather ... than (与其…)不如。 rather than 而不。 rather too ...稍微…一点 ( This one is rather too large. 这个稍微大一点)。 the rather that [because] 尤其因为…(就更加)。
  • "the rather that" 中文翻译 :    何况, 因为...所以更加
  • "you put too much salt in this dish" 中文翻译 :    这菜里你盐搁得太多了
  • "but too" 中文翻译 :    真是太
  • "not too" 中文翻译 :    不怎么
  • "of”“too" 中文翻译 :    介词的使用不当; 用“
  • "too" 中文翻译 :    adv. 1.太。 2.很,非常,极。 3.也,还,同样;又,而且,而又,加之。 4.〔口语〕(不)还是,真的。 This house is too large for me. 这房子我住太大了。 We cannot be too careful. 无论怎么小心也不算太过;愈小心愈好;不怕过分小心。 I'm going, too . 我也去。 She is wise, and active too . 她又聪明,又活泼。 I mean to do it too . (不单是说)是真要干的。 You are not going. -Yes, I am, too .你不去啦。 --不,还是要去的。 ★ 3. 4. 意之 too 美语有用在句首的:Too, there were rumours of his resignation. 〔美国〕又有他辞职的谣传了。 all too 太 (The holidays ended all too soon. 假期过得太快了)。 but too (true) 不幸(是事实)。 none too (pleasant) 一点也不(快乐)。 only too 1.=but too . 2. 非常,极,很 (I am only too pleased. 那我是高兴极了)。 quite too=too too (This is quite too. 简直太好了)。 too bad 〔美国〕真不幸,真抱歉。 too (bloody) Irish [right]! 〔军俚〕当然! too ... for 太…不合[不配]。 too little 不够。 (...) too many 多…个 (You have given me two too many. 你多给了我两个)。 one too many for sb. 胜过(某人),比(某人)聪明 (She is one too many for me. 她比我强)。 too much for sb. 比(某人)强;对…来说太困难了 (This task is too much for him. 这任务对他来说太难了)。 too much (of a good thing) 令人受不了 (This was too much for him. 这个他受不了)。 too previous 〔美国〕慌忙。 too ...to... 太…以致不能 (I went too late to see him. 我去得太迟,没有见到他) 。 too too 非常,很;极好 (too too apparent 很明白。This is too too. 好极了〔后略去 delightful 等形容词,表示假意感激或十二分感激的口气〕)。 very nice too 非常赞成。
  • "too… to" 中文翻译 :    太..以至于不能.; 太…
  • "too…to" 中文翻译 :    结构含有否定意义,仍然把该句视为否定句; 太……以至不能; 太….以至于不能; 太…以致于不能
  • "a little rather" 中文翻译 :    也可以用于比较级之前
  • "a rather than" 中文翻译 :    宁要
  • "be rather disappointed" 中文翻译 :    有些失望
  • "be rather harsh" 中文翻译 :    未免生硬了些
  • "be rather ill" 中文翻译 :    病得很重
  • "completely rather" 中文翻译 :    修饰比较级
  • "dan rather" 中文翻译 :    拉瑟
  • "had rather" 中文翻译 :    宁肯,宁愿; 宁愿
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